During the weekend one of my favorite things beside going outside of the city to spend some time in the nature, there is also another thing, is to cooking something and spend some quality time in good company and delicious food.
First of all, I’m not a pro in the kitchen, even if I try to be the best sometimes I just fail miserably but this happens just for some complicated dishes.
Another story is for breakfast, brunch or picnic, there I’m the best!
I love to make something delicious and healthy! Okay, this I have to say that my concept of healthy is not let’s eat just avocado and fish, but this means to me to have a balance in my diet but including everything, so fruits, vegetables, carbs and meat and fish and all the other ingredient which are simple and good quality.
So the other day I decided to experiment with some ingredients that I had at home, all local products and seasonal fruits. And this was the result!
I made a very delicious salty croissants, that I’m sure you will love!

- Croissants
- Prosciutto crudo
- Figs
- Goat cheese ( our is tomino goat)
- Honey

They are really easy to made, very quick and delicious! You will need one croissant for each person, you can bake them by yourself or buy in a bakery.
Then simply cut them in the middle and add all the following ingredients, from Prosciutto crudo, then cheese and then figs. An the end you can add also some honey, but just if you want that sweet taste.
Your breakkie is ready!
Add some fresh fruit to your table and an extra of the same ingredients. A cup of green tea and fresh water with lemon!

I love the new direction of your blog – these photos are amazing, everything looks gorgeous!
17 September 2016 at 17:15http://www.peppermintdolly.com
Thank you so much, I’m so glad to hear that!
18 September 2016 at 16:50[…] last time I shared with you this recipe with figs & honey for a tasty and delicious brunch. This time is the turn of a cocktail using the same main […]
14 October 2016 at 23:02